Wednesday, January 15, 2014

Crabgrass Prevention Now!

I really r..e..a..l..y don’t like crabgrass. Crabgrass is a pesky annual grassy weed that loves irrigated lawns here in the Central Valley. It gets really large and very apparent in lawns by mid-summer, but by then it is much more difficult to control. Left unchecked, crabgrass can rapidly take over a nice lawn in a matter of a few years.

Here’s the problem. You will not find an effective product for controlling existing crabgrass or dallisgrass on your store or nursery shelf. MSMA, found in Weed Hoe and Trimec Plus, is no longer available to homeowners and was the only product that actually worked on the removal of unwanted crabgrass unlike the products offered now. There are several products now on the market for homeowners for post-control of crabgrass and all contain quinclorac. I have not had good success at all in the Central Valley of California getting any significant control using these. Maybe you will be lucky and make one of them work, but my guess is that they won’t and you will be out both the time and expense you have invested.

Prevention is the key to crabgrass management especially without a reliable product for managing actively growing crabgrass plants. Ideally, a pre emergent herbicide should be applied at the proper rate prior to Valentine’s Day. There are a number of products out there (some better), but unless they are applied before seed germination at the right rate and uniformly the results could be less than desirable. Weed Man actually applies three applications to ensure better results.

What is the future for crabgrass control? There are some products in development for professional use only. As of today, there are very limited options even for the professional. New products are not as user-friendly as they are specific for warm or cool season grasses and not both. A sharp knife works well, too unless you have hundreds or thousands of plants.

Why risk your lawn to crabgrass invasion when the cheapest and most effective solution is prevention with pre emergent herbicides. A pre emergent must be applied before seeds start to germinate. Correct timing and rates of a quality pre emergent ensure great results. Have your lawn treated either by yourself or a professional before Valentine’s Day. 

For more information about crabgrass or a free lawn analysis and quote call Weed Man at 559-266-1624 or visit our website at Ask us about our referral program!


  1. I've been looking into different kinds of herbicides to see what will work best for my lawn. My biggest concern is finding something that works for a long time. Have you ever heard of Drive XLR8? I'm looking at getting some from Lawn and Pest Control Supply but want to hear different opinions on it.

  2. Great information! I've had some pretty good luck with Celsius with MSO or Drive for a little break through, but once that stuff takes over forget about it!

  3. Thanks to share very thoughtful and very sensitive advice .It can be brought biggest change in lawn servicing. Weeds control plays an important role in making attractive lawn and you gave such a productive knowledge on it. I will contact you for some services and also for advice because i feel, you have good experience in lawn care.

  4. I didn't know that MSMA is what effectively killed crab grass. That would explain why the crab grass killers I've been using over the years haven't been working at all. I wish I came across this information before Valentine's Day. Then I could have eliminated the crab grass in my yard before it started to germinate. I have only a few ugly heads of crabgrass, so getting rid of them with a knife and preventing them from growing next year should be simple enough.

    Bill Li |

  5. I really enjoy doing landscaping work. I guess I learned to love working on the garden since I was very young. Every Saturday morning I had to mow the lawn or rake the leaves. I guess when I get tired of it, I can always hire a landscaping service.

  6. Crabgrass is awful. I hate the way it feels. I used to have a bunch of crabgrass in my backyard. It was so bad I had to get it professionally removed. Now my yard is very good looking.

  7. I have always had a real problem with crabgrass so this is exciting to know there are some solutions. I think last year it looked like my lawn was completely taken over by the prickly stuff. I will have to try out some of your methods so I can get my lawn back.
    Cynthia |

  8. I am putting sod in my back yard this upcoming spring. I only have dirt and rocks in my back yard right now and I am already struggling with crab grass. Will it still come through even after I install sod? And if so, how do I take care of it before I put my sod in?

  9. I don't know about you guys but I had crabgrass. It is not a pleasant sight to see and it is hard to remove. My yard has a bunch of crabgrass and I really want to get rid of it. I've tried to dig them up but to no avail. I'll see about putting down some herbicide and possibly changing up my fertilizer. The fertilizer I'm using now might be causing the crabgrass to grow so much. I'll see about getting someone to come and help me out with this.
