Friday, June 14, 2013

Mowing 101

There are few things nicer than the smell and sight of a fresh cut, lush, beautiful lawn.  Although mowing is not complicated, there are some best mowing practices.  Proper mowing habits can extend the life and vigor of your lawn for years to come whereas poor mowing habits can take a good lawn and make it a poor lawn faster than you might think.

Mow regularly so that you are removing 1/3 or less of the leaf length in a single mowing.  Weekly mowing is advised and during a spring flush of growth a second could be needed.  If the grass has gotten ahead of you and it is twice or more the normal height it would be best to raise the mowing height and come back a day or two later and lower gradually until you reach the preferred height. Do not allow excess clippings to remain on the lawn. Mowing too much off at once will shock the grass and result in scalping.  Two weeks between mowing is too long for a healthy growing turf.

Mow at the proper height for the grass type.  I would recommend 3 inches for tall fescue, 1-2 inches for common bermuda, and 0.5 to 1.5 inches for hybrid bermuda lawns.  Taller cuts result in deeper roots, cooler soils, less stress, and fewer weeds in most cases.

Replace or sharpen dull mower blades regularly to maintain a clean cut. Dull mower blades result in a raggedy cut.  Aesthetically, the lawn will have a dull look and potentially more susceptible to disease.  
Edging should be vertical not beveled off.  A vertical cut along walks and driveways keeps the mowing height in the ideal range leaving a healthier stand, cooler soil, longer root system and a more competitive situation against invading weeds.  If you like the idea of your lawn slowing shrinking away and weeds coming in then scalping down the edges with a string trimmer may be just what you are looking for.

Mow patterns should be varied regularly.  This will help reduce the rutting and spread out the compaction of repeatedly rolling over the same lines time after time.  It also helps reduce the grain of the lawn as it gets mowed from various directions.

Recycle the clippings by using mulching mowers especially during non-flush periods of growth.  The clippings will add much needed organic matter and nutrients to enrich the soil and feed the beneficial microorganisms in the soil.
Mow at a slow enough speed as to allow a good clean cut.  Mow at full throttle.  Going too fast will result in an incomplete cut and possibly excessive piles of clippings.

Other things include removing obstacles and debris before mowing, ensuring that the wheels are evenly inflated or the wheel height settings are all the same, mowing dry grass is preferred over wet, and always being careful of toes when backing up the mower.

For more information on lawns and lawn problems check out our website at or call Weed Man at 266-1624.

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